Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Faculty of Social Science

Western Main Campus


Social Science Centre Room 3326
Western University


(519) 661-3430


Modules offered by the Anthropology Department may not be combined with other modules offered by the Anthropology Department due to course overlap, with the following two exceptions. First, the Minor in Refugee and Migrant Studies and/or the Minor in Culture and the Environment can be combined and a maximum of 1.0 course (or two half courses) may be counted for credit in both modules.  Second, any module offered by the Anthropology Department may also be combined with any module offered through the Linguistics Program, and in such cases a maximum of 1.0 course (or two half courses) may be counted for credit in both modules. Combinations of Anthropology modules are possible with any module offered by other Departments but there will be no doubling counting or sharing of credits permitted. In all cases, a four-year undergraduate degree requires 20 credits to be completed.