Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025


Course Numbering

0001-0999* Pre-University level introductory courses
1000-1999 Year 1 courses
2000-4999 Senior-level undergraduate courses
5000-5999 Professional Degree courses in Dentistry, Education, Law, Medicine and Theology (MTS, MDiv)
6000-6999 Courses offered by Continuing Studies
9000-9999 Graduate Studies courses

* These courses are equivalent to pre-university introductory courses and may be counted for credit in the student's record, unless these courses were taken in a preliminary year. They may not be counted toward essay or breadth requirements, or used to meet modular admission requirements unless it is explicitly stated in the Senate-approved outline of the module.


no suffix 1.0 course not designated as an essay course
A 0.5 course offered in first term
B 0.5 course offered in second term
A/B 0.5 course offered in first and/or second term
E 1.0 essay course
F 0.5 essay course offered in first term
G 0.5 essay course offered in second term
F/G 0.5 essay course offered in first and/or second term
H 1.0 accelerated course (8 weeks)
J 1.0 accelerated course (6 weeks)
K 0.75 course
L 0.5 graduate course offered in summer term (May - August)
Q/R/S/T 0.25 course offered within a regular session
U 0.25 course offered in other than a regular session
W/X 1.0 accelerated course (full course offered in one term)
Y 0.5 course offered in other than a regular session
Z 0.5 essay course offered in other than a regular session



A course that must be successfully completed prior to registration for credit in the desired course.


A course that must be taken concurrently with (or prior to registration in) the desired course.


Courses that overlap sufficiently in course content that both cannot be taken for credit.

Essay Courses

Many courses at Western have a significant writing component. To recognize student achievement, a number of such courses have been designated as essay courses and will be identified on the student's record (E essay full course; F/G/Z essay half-course).

Principal Courses

A first year course that is listed by a department offering a module as a requirement for admission to the module. For admission to an Honours Specialization module or Double Major modules in an Honours Bachelor degree, at least 3.0 courses will be considered principal courses.


Course Level

Course Type

Governance, Leadership and Ethics

This course introduces the principles, policies, and practices of contemporary governance and ethical leadership across public, private, and non-profit sectors. Topics include cross-sector collaboration, system leadership, and social innovation. Students explore governance and policy in relation to the common good.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Governance is about collective action and shared decision-making in a complex, interdependent, and uncertain world. Investigating organizational efficiency, policy legitimacy, and strategic objectives, this course introduces students to the theories and models of contemporary governance and explores their implementation in organizational settings across the public, private, and community sectors.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Critical study of the nature and justification of ethical and value judgements, with an analysis of key concepts and a survey of the main contemporary theories.

Antirequisite(s): Philosophy 2700F/G.

Pre-or Corequisite(s): Completion of First Year with at least 0.5 course in either Philosophy, Business, History, or Political Science with an average of 60%.

Extra Information: 3 hours per week. Cross-listed with Philosophy 2700F/G.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course introduces students to principled leadership as a foundation for decision-making and evaluation. A theory-to-practice approach is applied providing a coherent framework for action, taking into account authority, power, influence, followership, competencies, personality, role, and citizenship. Students learn diagnostic tools for analysis, constituent responsibilities, and strategic action.

Antirequisite(s): Dimensions of Leadership 1000A/B, Dimensions of Leadership 1031.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Environmental Stewardship is a term that has deep historical roots and is now beginning to be used widely again in natural resources management and conservation, local governance and sustainability practices. This course explores the various knowledge systems, as well as the spiritual traditions and ethical principles, that inform environmental stewardship in the 21st century.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The history of environmental activism predates the contemporary climate crisis. This course offers a historical perspective on environmental leadership and the governance challenges posed by recent activism. Students explore the critical events, individuals, and organizations shaping twentieth century environmentalism.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course introduces students to the study of public policy and governance. Examining the core concepts of the public policy cycle, policy instruments and program evaluation, the course explores challenges of cross-sector collaboration, multi-level governance, citizenship engagement, and leadership accountability.

Prerequisite(s): GLE 1010F/G or 1.0 Political Science course(s) at the 1000-level or permission of the instructor.

Extra Information: 3 hours. Cross-listed with Political Science 2247F/G.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Governance is about collective action and shared decision-making in complex organizational settings. This course provides an in-depth examination of key issues in governance theory and practice across the public, private, and community sectors. Topics include: inter-sectoral collaboration, multi-level governance, social innovation, and public policy learning.

Extra Information: 3 seminar hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This interdisciplinary course explores how to be an ethical leader by introducing students to the philosophy of leadership in works of philosophy, politics, and literature. Reading diverse works from around the world, students will explore the nature of leadership from the ancient world to the present.

Antirequisite(s): GGB 3300F/G, MOS 3351F/G.

Extra Information: 3 hours. Cross-listed with GGB 3300F/G and MOS 3351F/G.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course provides in-depth exploration of principled leadership as an ethical foundation for governance. Through historical and contemporary perspectives, students examine issues of power and authority, leadership competencies and constituent responsibilities, and organizational innovation in public, private, and community sectors.

Extra Information: 3 seminar hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course provides in-depth study of principled leadership as the foundation for ethical governance from a historical perspective. Leaders are examined in different historical and institutional contexts. Students explore tensions between principles and power, and personal responsibility and public accountability.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course examines the diverse positions of animals in law and in public and private sector policy. It focuses on debates about and strategies for improving animals’ social, political, and legal statuses.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Bringing together learning across Governance, Leadership, and Ethics, the capstone course integrates, extends, or applies the theories, methods, and findings across GLE courses. In collaboration with the Director of GLE, students select from among the following options: Thesis, Major Research Papers, Reading Course, or Community-Based Consultancy with a Written Report.

Course Weight: 1.00
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This course explores foundational ideas and thought leadership in the contemporary study of Governance, Leadership and Ethics. Students are introduced to theories of collective action, collaborative governance, and the common good in relation to complex public policy challenges.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Collaborative governance is a new style of public problem-solving that brings together public, private, and non-profit sectors to tackle complex economic, social, environmental, and health challenges. Students will explore collaborative governance theory and test its principles through real-world applications.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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