Academic Calendar - 2024

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2024


Course Numbering

0001-0999* Pre-University level introductory courses
1000-1999 Year 1 courses
2000-4999 Senior-level undergraduate courses
5000-5999 Professional Degree courses in Dentistry, Education, Law, Medicine and Theology (MTS, MDiv)
6000-6999 Courses offered by Continuing Studies
9000-9999 Graduate Studies courses

* These courses are equivalent to pre-university introductory courses and may be counted for credit in the student's record, unless these courses were taken in a preliminary year. They may not be counted toward essay or breadth requirements, or used to meet modular admission requirements unless it is explicitly stated in the Senate-approved outline of the module.


no suffix 1.0 course not designated as an essay course
A 0.5 course offered in first term
B 0.5 course offered in second term
A/B 0.5 course offered in first and/or second term
E 1.0 essay course
F 0.5 essay course offered in first term
G 0.5 essay course offered in second term
F/G 0.5 essay course offered in first and/or second term
H 1.0 accelerated course (8 weeks)
J 1.0 accelerated course (6 weeks)
K 0.75 course
L 0.5 graduate course offered in summer term (May - August)
Q/R/S/T 0.25 course offered within a regular session
U 0.25 course offered in other than a regular session
W/X 1.0 accelerated course (full course offered in one term)
Y 0.5 course offered in other than a regular session
Z 0.5 essay course offered in other than a regular session



A course that must be successfully completed prior to registration for credit in the desired course.


A course that must be taken concurrently with (or prior to registration in) the desired course.


Courses that overlap sufficiently in course content that both cannot be taken for credit.

Essay Courses

Many courses at Western have a significant writing component. To recognize student achievement, a number of such courses have been designated as essay courses and will be identified on the student's record (E essay full course; F/G/Z essay half-course).

Principal Courses

A first year course that is listed by a department offering a module as a requirement for admission to the module. For admission to an Honours Specialization module or Double Major modules in an Honours Bachelor degree, at least 3.0 courses will be considered principal courses.


Course Level

Course Type

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Basic resistive circuits, Ohm's, Kirchhoff's Laws. DC analyis: nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems: linearity, superposition, Thévenin's and Norton's theorems. Time-domain analysis: first and second order circuits, source-free and forced response. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: phasors, complex power. Basic OpAmp circuitry.

Prerequisite(s): Physics 1202A/B or the former Physics 1302A/B or Physics 1402A/B, NMM 1411A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 1411A/B, NMM 1412A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 1412A/B, Engineering Science 1036A/B or Computer Science 1026A/B. Corequisite(s): NMM 2270A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Measurements: System of units, errors. Basic resistive circuits: Ohm's, Kirchhoff's Laws; DC analyis: nodal and mesh analysis, superposition, Thévenin's/Norton's theorems; Sinusoidal steady-state analysis: phasors, complex power; Basic OpAmp circuitry; Boolean circuits; Transducers.

Antirequisite(s): ECE 2205A/B.

Prerequisite(s): Engineering Science 1036A/B or Computer Science 1026A/B, Physics 1202A/B or the former Physics 1302A/B or Physics 1402A/B. Pre-or Corequisite(s): NMM 2270A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2270A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Electronic properties of semiconductors. The P-N junction. Diodes and light-emitting diodes; bipolar and field-effect transistors. Biasing, small signal analysis, large signal analysis. Single transistor amplifiers.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2205A/B, Physics 1202A/B or the former Physics 1302A/B or Physics 1402A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to a system level analysis of electrical circuits. The S-Plane and frequency response of circuits, frequency selective circuits, state variables, introduction to Fourier analysis, Fourier transform and Laplace transform techniques. Transfer functions and system functions.

Antirequisite(s): MSE 2233A/B.

Prerequisite(s): NMM 2270A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2270A/B, ECE 2205A/B. Corequisite(s): NMM 2276A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Three phase circuits, magnetic coupling and circuits, transformers. Transmission lines and the telegrapher equation.

Prerequisite(s): NMM 2270A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2270A/B, ECE 2205A/B, Physics 1202A/B or the former Physics 1302A/B or Physics 1402A/B. Corequisite(s): NMM 2276A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 3 hour lab sessions (4 labs per term).

Course Weight: 0.50
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Laboratory experiments associated with ECE 2205A/B, as well as laboratory experiments in instrumentation and measurement; the lecture component includes review of laboratory practice, health and safety issues, simulation software, data collecting methods; errors and their calculus; accuracy; averaging, signal conditioning, and data interpolation.

Prerequisite(s): Computer Science 1026A/B or Engineering Science 1036A/B. Corequisite(s): ECE 2205A/B.

Extra Information: 1 lecture hour, 3 laboratory hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Laboratory experiments associated with ECE 2231A/B, ECE 2233A/B and ECE 2236A/B; basic semiconductor circuit elements (diodes, LEDs and transistors); second order circuits; sensors and electro-mechanical devices; and a design project.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2240A/B Corequisite(s): ECE 2231A/B, ECE 2233A/B.

Extra Information: 1 lecture hour, 3 laboratory hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to electrical engineering design. Topics include the engineering design process, review of sensors and signal conditioning, digital system design, analog system design, programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2240A/B, ECE 2277A/B, ECE 2205A/B. Corequisite(s): ECE 2231A/B.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hour, 3 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course introduces the principles of electrical circuits and components, including common electric motors employed in mechanical systems. Laboratories to introduce the students to common measurement tools used to assess and troubleshoot circuits. These foundations are expanded upon in a subsequent course focusing on electronic components and their applications.

Antirequisite(s): ECE 2205A/B, ECE 2231A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Theory of Boolean algebra, switching circuits, Venn diagrams; Karnaugh maps; logic and memory systems, design of combinational and sequential switching machines; electronic switching circuits; data coding, storage, transmission; basic design of digital computers.

Antirequisite(s): The former ECE 3339A/B.

Prerequisite(s): Physics 1202A/B or the former Physics 1302A/B or Physics 1402A/B. Corequisite(s): ECE 2205A/B or registration in Integrated Engineering or Software Engineering Program.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1 tutorial.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The concept of feedbacks; modelling of dynamic systems; characteristics of feedback control systems, performance of control systems in time and frequency domains; stability of feedback systems; control system analysis and design. Using root locus and frequency response techniques.

Antirequisite(s): CBE 3310A/B

Prerequisite(s): NMM 2270A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2270A/B and (ECE 2233A/B or MSE 2233A/B).

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to discrete-time signals and sampled data, linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, frequency response, discrete Fourier transforms, convolution, spectrum analysis, Z-transforms, non-recursive digital filters.

Antirequisite(s): AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2233A/B or MSE 2233A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Basic Principles related to magnetic fields and energy conversion, transformers, DC machines, synchronous machines, induction machines, special purpose motors.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2233A/B and ECE 2236A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 3-hour lab sessions (4 labs per term).

Course Weight: 0.50
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Per unit System; three phase transmission systems; three phase transformers; transmission line parameters; steady state operation of transmission lines; maximum power flow; reactive power compensation; economic operation of power systems.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2236A/B, ECE 3332A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour, 1.5 tutorial hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Radio-frequency transmission lines, telegrapher's equations, Smith chart. A vector treatment of the theory of electric and magnetic fields. Integral and differential forms of Maxwell's equations. Boundary conditions. Scalar and vector potentials, reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves in dielectric and conducting media.

Antirequisite(s): Physics 3300A/B.

Prerequisite(s): NMM 2276A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2276A/B, NMM 3415A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 3415A/B, ECE 2233A/B, ECE 2236A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Frequency response in electronic circuits, zener diode and power supply (voltage regulator) circuits, power amplifiers, differential amplifiers, feedback circuits, miscellaneous topics (Miller effect, current mirrors, cascade and cascode circuits, etc.)

Antirequisite(s): The former ECE 2235A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course covers fundamentals of semiconductor physics as applied to microelectronics, theory of semiconductor materials and devices. Students will be exposed to basic elements of CMOS circuitry design, including practical implementation of resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors and MOSFET. Related topics such as delays, cross-talk, parasitics, temperature effects are included.

Prerequisite(s): Engineering Sceince 1021A/B, ECE 2233A/B, ECE 2240A/B, ECE 2231A/B, ECE 2277A/B or ES 1021A/B, ECE 2238A/B, ECE 2277A/B & successful completion of the 2nd yr of the Electrical or Computer Engineering or in Integrated Engineering

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course deals with fundamental principles of wireless RF communications, AM, FM, and PM modulation, demodulation and spectra, and frequency shifting and mixing. Practical linear and nonlinear circuits for a heterodyne radio receiver are studied, including RF/IF amplifiers, matching networks, oscillators, mixers, modulators, demodulators, and phased-locked loops.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Basic elements of computers: central processing unit; memories; input/output devices; interfacing, software and hardware design, Computer Assisted Design; data handling and process control equipment; applications of microprocessors.

Antirequisite(s): Computer Science 3350A/B.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2277A/B or the former ECE 3339A/B

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Memory units, coders, decoders, adders, multipliers, clocks, synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, algorithmic state machines, microprogrammed synthesis of ASM designs, advanced microprocessor organization.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2277A/B Pre-or Corequisite(s): ECE 3375A/B

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to computer system design and the architecture of modern high-performance computers. Memory hierarchy. RISC, superscalar, and multi-core architectures. Microprogrammed and hardwired control implementations. Students will complete group design projects integrating these concepts.

Antirequisite(s): The former ECE 4470A/B, the former ECE 4489A/B.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3375A/B and ECE 3380A/B, or completion of third year of the Software Engineering program.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Modern design techniques for embedded, wireless, and mobile computing systems. Unified approach to hardware and software design. Partitioning of systems into hardware and software. Hardware/software interface design. Trade-offs in hardware and software partitioning.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3389A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours

Course Weight: 0.50
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Principles and Practices of Design of Electronic Systems is a third year design course in the Electrical Engineering Program. Topics include principles and practices of design of electronic systems through projects in the area of communications, microprocessors, control systems and signal processing.

Pre-or Corequisite(s): ECE 3330A/B, ECE 3331A/B (or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B), ECE 3370A/B, ECE 3375A/B.

Extra Information: 1 lecture hours, 3.0 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Selection and investigation of a computer engineering problem. Analytical and/or experimental work is carried out by project groups under the supervision of a faculty member. Progress report and a final engineering report are prepared. Each student must deliver a public oral presentation. Antirequisites: CBE 4497, CEE 4441, ECE 4416, Engineering Science 4499, GPE 4497, MME 4499, MSE 4499, SE 4450.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of third year of the Computer Engineering program.

Extra Information: 6 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 1.00
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Selection and investigation of an engineering problem. Analytical and/or experimental work is carried out by individual students or project groups under the supervision of a faculty member. Progress reports and a final engineering report are prepared; each student must deliver a public lecture.

Antirequisite(s): CBE 4497, CEE 4441, MME 4499, SE 4450, Engineering Science 4499.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of third year of the Electrical, Computer or Integrated Engineering programs

Extra Information: 6 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 1.00
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Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is widely used in speech and audio processing, biomedical engineering, and telecommunication applications. The objectives of this course are to strengthen the students' knowledge of DSP fundamentals, to introduce them to advanced DSP topics, and to familiarize them with the practical aspects of DSP algorithm implementation.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3331A/B or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The course deals with topics of current interest in Electrical Engineering. Topics and course outlines will be available at the time of registration.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of third year of the Electrical or Computer Engineering programs.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours and 2 laboratory hours, or 3 lecture hours and 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The course deals with topics of current interest in Electrical Engineering. Topics and course outlines will be available at the time of registration.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of third year of the Electrical or Computer Engineering programs.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, or 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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EM radiation principles; EM wave propagation, wave polarization, reciprocity theorem, antenna properties, dipole antennas; reflection from the ground; waveguides and transmission lines, impedance matching, antenna arrays, selected topics.

Prerequisite(s): NMM 3415A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 3415A/B, ECE 3336A/B, ECE 3370A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Transceiver design for digital communication systems. Deterministic and random signals. Digital modulation techniques. Performance analysis under noisy conditions. Digital communication through bandlimited channels. Characteristics of wireless channel, channel estimation. Synchronization techniques. Multiple access techniques, CDMA, TDMA, FDMA. Principles of OFDM, cyclic prefix, in-band pilots, PAPR, applications of OFDM.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3331A/B (or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B), ECE 3370A/B, Statistical Sciences 2141A/B, NMM 3415A/B (or the former Applied Mathematics 3415A/B).

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to networking, network architecture and protocols, layering, OSI and TCP/IP models. Physical layer: transmission media, data encoding, Asynchronous and synchronous transmission. Data link layer: error detection, flow control, error control. Packet Switching: datagrams, virtual circuits, routing, congestion control, internetworking. Local area networks, network layer and transport layer.

Antirequisite(s): Computer Science 3357A/B, AISE 4430A/B, the former SE 4430A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Introduction to communication systems and information theory. Classification of signals and systems. Communication channel modeling. Fourier series and transform applications. Modulation techniques. Sampling theory and digital transmission. Digital modulation, optimum receiver design, performance analysis. Error control. Selected topics.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3330A/B, ECE 3331A/B (or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B), ECE 3375A/B, Statistical Sciences 2141A/B or Statistical Sciences 2143A/B, NMM 2276A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 2276A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course explores a few major areas of digital image processing at an advanced level, with primary emphasis on medical applications. Topics covered include image filtering and enhancement, visualization, image segmentation and image registration. Examples will be presented to give the students exposure to real-world applications in medicine and other applications.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Global energy resources, distribution and consumption. Sustainability. Principles of operation and control of thermal, nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric, photovoltaic solar and wind power plants. Distributed Generation (DG) and renewable energy technologies. Grid integration of distributed generation.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3333A/B, MME 2234A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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This course covers the fundamentals of digital image processing, including image representation, histograms, contrast enhancement, geometric operations, registration, digital filtering and segmentation. Emphasis is placed on implementation of algorithms and on practical applications in industry, science and medicine.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3331A/B or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The objective is to examine in-depth the practice of analog and digital communications. Fundamentals of wireless communication electronics are considered. A number of existing systems, including 2G/3G wireless systems, satellite communication systems, radio and TV broadcasting, and others are reviewed. Design aspects of wireless communications systems.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3370A/B, ECE 4437A/B, Statistical Sciences 2141A/B, NMM 3415A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 3415A/B and completion of the third year of the Electrical Engineering program.

Extra Information: 2 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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An introduction to biomedical engineering organized around applications of linear and control systems analysis to the dynamics of physiological systems and their responses to diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Emphasis will be placed on respiratory and cardiovascular physiology and interactions of those systems with medical devices.

Antirequisite(s): Medical Biophysics 4455A/B.

Prerequisite(s): (CBE 2221A/B or ECE 2233A/B or ECE 3374A/B or MSE 2233A/B) and (CBE 3310A/B or ECE 3330A/B or MME 3350A/B).

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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To allow students to: a) gain an understanding of the basic principles of protective relays and b) have a practical understanding of protection schemes for electrical power systems and equipment.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 4464A/B

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The use of power semiconductor devices in converter structures (topologies) to process and control the flow of electric energy. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with various power electronic converter topologies and their applications.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 2233A/B and ECE 3333A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 3 hour lab sessions (4 labs per term).

Course Weight: 0.50
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Review of embedded processors, memory systems, basic peripherals; real-time kernel configurations, task control blocks, interrupt service routines, real-time clocks/timers, multi-tasking, schedulability analysis, inter-task communication, signals, message queues, cooperative/pre-emptive multi-tasking, priority scheduling, priority inversion problems, timing considerations, deadline handing, input-output handling; practical issues in computer control; design, development, and testing techniques.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Power flow studies; symmetrical faults; symmetrical components; unsymmetrical faults; power system stability; Introduction to High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS).

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3333A/B

Extra Information: 3 Lecture hours/week, 1 Tutorial hour/ week; 1 lab hour/week.

Course Weight: 0.50
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Engineering problems as optimization problems. Single-variable optimization. Multi-variable unconstrained optimization. Advanced techniques for unconstrained optimization. Equality and inequality constraints and optimality criteria. Techniques for constrained optimization. Linear programming.

Prerequisite(s): NMM 3415A/B or the former Applied Mathematics 3415A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
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The course covers analytical methods for analyzing and developing control strategies for industrial processes. These include identification and empirical modeling, tuning of PID controller, digital control systems, z-transformation. PLCs are discussed. Computer based simulation modules using Matlab^® and Simulink^® reused. Examples from different engineering disciplines are studied.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3331A/B (or AISE 3351A/B or the former ECE 3351A/B), ECE 3330A/B as well as successful completion of the third year of the Engineering program.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1.5 laboratory hour.

Course Weight: 0.50
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