Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Writing 3221F/G


From true crime exposés to writing search warrants and wiretaps, this course introduces students to the process of investigating and documenting incidents likely to result in criminal prosecution, litigation, or inquiry. Students will also learn the art of drafting rhetorically complex documents capable of withstanding public, political, and media scrutiny.

Antirequisite(s): Writing 2297G if taken in 2014-15 or 2013-14.

Prerequisite(s): At least 65% in one of Writing 2101F/G, Writing 2125F/G, Writing 2111F/G, Writing 2130F/G or Writing 2131F/G; or at least 65% in one of Writing 1000F/G, Writing 1030F/G, or Writing 1031F/G; or at least 65% in each of MediaCom 1020E (or both of MediaCom 1021F/G and MediaCom 1022F/G) and MediaCom 1025F/G; or permission of the Department (consult the Undergraduate Program Director, Writing).

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY B i  
Subject Code: WRITING

This Course is Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages: