Academic Calendar - 2025
Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
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Sessional Dates
Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B
Course Description
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of human behavior in organizations from the individual, group and organizational levels of explanation.
Antirequisite(s) at
Main campus:
MOS 2180
Antirequisite(s) at
Huron, King's campus:
MOS 2180,
and King's
MOS 2190A/B
Special Topics, 2010-11 ONLY.
Pre or Corequisites
Enrolment in BMOS or Music Administrative Studies (MAS).
Extra Information
Extra Information:
3 lecture hours
Course Weight:
Subject Code:
This course is also offered at:
This Course is Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages:
Management and Organizational Studies 2220F/G - CROSS-CULTURAL COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS
Huron University College | Animal Ethics and Sustainability Leadership (BA Program) - Management and Organizational Studies - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | MAJOR IN ANIMAL ETHICS AND SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP
Huron University College | Animal Ethics and Sustainability Leadership (BA Program) - Management and Organizational Studies - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | MINOR IN ANIMAL ETHICS AND SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN MARKETING AND SUSTAINABILITY
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES, POLICY, AND ETHICS
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING (must be part of a double Major)
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | MAJOR IN MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES (must be part of a double Major)
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | SPECIALIZATION IN BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | SPECIALIZATION IN MARKETING AND SUSTAINABILITY
Huron University College | Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) - Faculty of Arts and Social Science | SPECIALIZATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES, POLICY, AND ETHICS
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN GLOBAL COMMERCE
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING (must be part of an Honours Double Major)
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | MAJOR IN GLOBAL COMMERCE (must be part of an Honours Double Major)
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | MAJOR IN MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES (must be part of an Honours Double Major)
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | MAJOR IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES (must be part of an Honours Double Major)
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | SPECIALIZATION IN GLOBAL COMMERCE
King's University College | Management, Economics, and Mathematics, School of | SPECIALIZATION IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES
Don Wright Faculty of Music | Music Program - Bachelor of Arts | SPECIALIZATION IN MUSIC ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH WORK PLACEMENT (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN FOOD MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN MANAGEMENT AND LEGAL STUDIES
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | HONOURS SPECIALIZATION IN NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING (must be part of Honours Double Major)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN ACCOUNTING (must be part of Honours Double Major) (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT (must be part of Honours Double Major)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR (must be part of Honours Double Major)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (must be part of Honours Double Major)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | MAJOR IN MARKETING (must be part of Honours Double Major) (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN ACCOUNTING
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN COMMERCIAL AVIATION MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCE
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN FOOD MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN MANAGEMENT AND LEGAL STUDIES
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN MARKETING (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | DAN Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS Program) | SPECIALIZATION IN NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT (Brescia)
Faculty of Social Science | Leadership Studies - DAN Management & Organizational Studies | MAJOR IN LEADERSHIP STUDIES (Brescia)
Richard Ivey School Of Business | General | CERTIFICATE IN PURPOSE-DRIVEN LEADERSHIP