Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Health Sciences 4991G


Readings and discussion on, or field experience in, selected topics in Health Sciences agreed upon through consultation between the student and the supervising professor.

Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in the fourth year of an Honours Specialization module in the School of Health Studies with a minimum average of 75%.

Extra Information: Students will be permitted to take a maximum of 1.0 credits among Health Sciences 4990F, Health Sciences 4991G, Health Sciences 4995A/B (or the former Health Sciences 4995F/G), and Health Sciences 4996A/B (or the former Health Sciences 4996F/G).

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: HEALTSCI

This Course is Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages: