Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Centre for Global Studies 3532F/G


This course examines how social, cultural, and economic systems function to produce global–scale inequalities in health. Emphasis is placed on the impacts of coloniality, systems of racism, cultural oppression, and land dispossession. These studies are engaged through problems of globalization and critical reflection over objectives in global development.

Antirequisite(s): Sociology 3371F/G.

Prerequisite(s): 0.5 Centre for Global Studies course at the 1000–1099 level; or one of the following: enrolment in either the Honours Specialization, Specialization, or Major in Health Sciences; enrolment in the Major in Environment and Health; enrolment in either the Honours Specialization or Major in Indigenous Studies; enrolment in third or fourth year of a BScN program; or permission of the Centre for Global Studies.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: CGS

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