Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

English 3573F/G


This course offers advanced study of writing by authors of the Black Diaspora in Canada. Course offerings may vary by genre, region, or period. Attentive to historical, literary historical, and other contexts, the course celebrates the aesthetics and artistry of Black writing in Canada and the knowledges it produces.

Antirequisite(s): English 3579F/G if taken in 2021-22.

Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in 1.0 English courses from 1020-1999, or permission of the Department.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY B i  
Subject Code: ENGLISH

This Course is Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages: