Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

Electrical and Computer Engineering 3351A/B


The course covers: 1) Nyquist sampling and reconstruction of signals. State-space model of discrete systems. z-Transform and Transfer function. 2) Autoregressive (AR), autoregressive–moving-average (ARMA), infinite impulse response (IIR) systems, their description and frequency response. Basic algorithms for AR/ARMA estimation, feature extractions and implementation. 3) Sensors and data collection. Selected topics in Sensor Integration across the cyber space: data transfer, compression, and protection.

Antirequisite(s): ECE 3331A/B.

Prerequisite(s): ECE 3350A/B.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours/week, 2 lab hour/week.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: ECE

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