Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

Kinesiology 4495


This course is a field experience where students are assigned to a varsity sport team as a student training assistant. Supplementary training will include various aspects related to sport performance training with a focus on strength and conditioning.

Prerequisite(s): Kinesiology 2236A/B; Kinesiology 3337A/B; Kinesiology 3339A/B; the former Kinesiology 2961A/B; current certification in Emergency First Responder (EFR) training.

Extra Information: 2 lecture/seminar hours per week plus a field experience practicum. Restricted to students in fourth year Honours Specialization in Kinesiology and subject to Faculty procedural guidelines and approval. Students will be permitted to take a maximum of 1.0 credits from Kinesiology 4495, Kinesiology 4498A/B, Kinesiology 4585, Kinesiology 4590, Kinesiology 4995A/B (or the former Kinesiology 4995F/G), and Kinesiology 4996A/B (or the former Kinesiology 4996F/G).

Course Weight: 1.00
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: KINESIOL

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