Academic Calendar - 2023 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2023ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

Statistical Sciences 2141A/B


An introduction to statistics with emphasis on the applied probability models used in Electrical and Civil Engineering and elsewhere. Topics covered include samples, probability, probability distributions, estimation (including comparison of means), correlation and regression.

Prerequisite(s): 0.5 course from Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1412A/B, Calculus 1000A/B, Calculus 1500A/B, the former Applied Mathematics 1412A/B, plus 0.5 course from Numerical and Mathematical Methods 1414A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, Calculus 1501A/B, the former Applied Mathematics 1414A/B. The former Applied Mathematics 1413 may also be used to meet this 1.0 course prerequisite.

Extra Information: 3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour. This course cannot be taken for credit in any module in Data Science, Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Financial Modelling, other than the Minor in Applied Statistics, the Minor in Applied Financial Modeling, the Minor in Data Science, or the Certificate in Data Science.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY C i  
Subject Code: STATS

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