Academic Calendar - 2020 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2020ARCHIVE
Western Main Campus

Health Sciences 3721A/B


This international course will introduce students to healthcare systems, public health policies, homecare practices, hospitals, long-term care, and aging research in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Students will gain cultural competencies and acquire knowledge in gerontology by collaborating with students overseas, and meeting older adults, researchers and policy makers throughout Scandinavia.

Antirequisite(s): Health Sciences 3091A/B, if taken in 2017/18, or 2018/19.

Extra Information: Note: The course has two components: the pre-trip classes and trans-Atlantic tutorials which extend from January to April, and the 10-day experiential learning trip through Scandinavia in May. There is a cost associated with this experiential learning trip that is borne by the student.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i  
Subject Code: HEALTSCI