Students are assessed fees according to the number of courses in which they are registered. It is important to note that every course change you make has a corresponding financial implication. The only exception to this is students who drop or add a course but remain registered in 3.5 or more credits. In these situations, there is no adjustment to fees. It is possible to withdraw or change from full-time to part-time status and still owe some tuition if only the first instalment amount was paid at the time of registration. No fee adjustment occurs after the last dates to withdraw without academic penalty. To withdraw from a course, you must notify the Faculty Counselling Office in writing of your intent to withdraw. Otherwise you will be considered a course registrant and will be assessed the full fee as well as receiving a grade of "F" for the course. Refer to the REGISTRATION section. Charges for changes made during fall/winter sessions based on full-time enrollment: - withdrawal prior to the first full week of classes: $250.00*, all non-refundable charges plus $75.00 Distance Studies fee, if applicable.
- withdrawal from classes commencing the first full week of classes: $250.00*, all non-refundable charges, Distance Studies fee, plus a percentage of the fee balance1.
Charges for changes made during fall/winter sessions based on part-time enrollment: - withdrawal prior to the first full week of classes: $50.00*/full course; $25.00*/half course, plus $75.00 Distance Studies fee, if applicable.
- withdrawal from classes commencing the first full week of classes: $50.00*/full course or $25.00*/half course, Distance Studies fee, plus a percentage of the fee balance1.
*Charges for 2007-2008 are subject to change. Please refer to our website for updated information. Refunds are calculated by comparing the total payments and the total charges. Students who change their status from full-time to part-time after classes begin are responsible for all the full-time non-refundable charges, such as bus pass and health plan. After the last day to officially drop, without academic penalty, full tuition and activity fees would remain assessed. Therefore, it is important to complete the withdrawal procedure immediately because the amount of refund or fees owing is computed on the date authorized by the Faculty Counselling Office. If the withdrawal or course drop results in a credit balance in your fees account: i.e. payments are greater than charges, a refund cheque is produced. Refund cheques are automatically prepared by Student Financial Services - Registrational Services and available no earlier than eight weeks after the withdrawal date to allow for bank clearing, dropping and adding of courses, etc. The University has been directed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to return refunds to the National Student Loan Centre in instances where payment was received through a Government Student Loan. No interest is paid on refunded tuition. Full refunds are given if a course(s) is cancelled by the University. Changes to your enrolment may affect your OSAP entitlement. Contact Student Financial Services (519) 661-2100 prior to withdrawing from courses.