Progression Requirements are designed to assist a student in improving his/her grades over time so that she/he may attain the required average for graduation or for entrance to and continuation in honors or other specialized programs. Progression requirements establish the minimum requirements for a student to continue at the University but the expectation is that a student will aspire to excellence and seek to achieve results well above the minimum requirements for his/her programs. The Adjudication Process involves the assessment of a student's eligibility to progress at the University and/or enter or remain in a program. As part of the adjudication process, progression requirements will be checked twice a year during two adjudication periods: the May adjudication period based on marks obtained during the Fall/Winter term (for the September - December and January - April sessions) and the July-August adjudication period based on marks obtained during the Summer term (Intersession, Summer Evening and Summer Day sessions). Student records for those registered for the term are evaluated/adjudicated to ascertain if a student meets the progression requirements: (a) to remain in good standing at the University, (b) of his/her current program, and/or (c) for entrance to another proposed program in which she/he has indicated an Intent to Register. Average Calculation for progression requirements includes both a term (sessional) and a cumulative average for all applicable courses. Average calculations INCLUDE failed grades. All grades below 50% are considered failures. Grades below 40% will be included in average calculations as 40%, grades from 40% to 49% will be included as the actual grade reported. A Course Attempt is a course registration that is not dropped by the Last day to drop deadline date in the Undergraduate Sessional Dates in the Academic Calendar (the latest, including all revisions, will be found on the Office of the Registrar web site). The Last day to drop will vary according to type of course: full course, first term half course, full year half course, and second term half course. A course that is dropped by the last date for adding a course will be removed from a student's record. A course that is dropped after the last date for adding a course but before the final day for dropping a course will be recorded as WDN (withdrawn) and is not considered a course attempt. A course that is dropped after the final day for dropping a course will be recorded as F (failure) and will receive a mark of 40% for Average Calculation purposes. A Course Repeat is any course previously attempted and recorded at UWO. A course attempt having a passing grade may be repeated only once. A course attempt having a failing grade may be repeated only twice. Further course repeats may be authorized only by the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered. Grades (including failures) for all course attempts will appear on the transcript and will be included in the accumulation of course attempts and maximum failures allowed. All but the most recent course attempt will appear on the transcript as Repeated, No credit and will be excluded from cumulative average calculations used for progression requirements. Progression decisions will result in an Academic Standing Status of: In Good Standing - a student who satisfies the minimum progression requirements for continuation of study will be eligible to continue at UWO. On Probation - a student who does not satisfy the minimum progression requirements for continuation of study at UWO but who will be allowed to continue at the University under Conditions of Probation: - A student will be urged to seek the advice of the Academic Counsellor(s) in his/her faculty;
- A student will be permitted to take a maximum number of 2.0 courses during the Summer sessions and a maximum of 4.0 during the Fall/Winter sessions, and may be advised to take fewer courses;
- Academic probation will begin at the student's next registration, and will last for twelve months or until the first adjudication period at which a minimum of 3.0 full or equivalent courses have been attempted;
- A student on academic probation must achieve an average of at least 60% with no failures, on all courses taken during the probation period;
- A student will be allowed only one period of probation in the time taken to complete a degree; and,
- A student who fails to meet the Conditions of Probation will be required to withdraw from the University for a minimum of twelve months.
Required to Withdraw - a student who does not satisfy the minimum Progression Requirements for continuation of study at UWO and is not eligible for probation or who has exceeded the maximum number of failed courses allowed, 6.0 full or equivalent courses, will be Required to Withdraw from the University for a minimum of twelve months. A student who has been Required to Withdraw from the University and whose academic standing has been jeopardized by serious medical or personal difficulties may, if they have sought academic accomodation in a timely manner, apply for a Dean's Waiver of Progression Requirements. A student granted a Dean's Waiver of Progression Requirements must meet the specific conditions imposed in the Dean's Waiver. Should an appeal be made to Senate on the ruling of a Dean, such an appeal shall be considered on behalf of Senate by the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA). See STUDENT ACADEMIC APPEALS section. Two levels of progression requirements are used to assess a student's Academic Standing Status : Level 1 progression requirement: A minimum cumulative average of 55% must be obtained at the first adjudication period at which the student has completed a minimum of 3.0 full or equivalent course attempts. If a student has completed more than 3.0 full or equivalent courses at the time of adjudication, marks from all courses taken will be used to calculate the cumulative average. This minimum cumulative average must be maintained for each successive adjudication period until the student reaches Level 2*. Students who satisfy this requirement will be eligible to continue study In Good Standing. Students with a cumulative average from 50-54% will continue On Probation. Students with a cumulative average less than 50% will be Required to Withdraw. Level 2 progression requirement: A minimum cumulative average of 60% must be obtained at the first adjudication period at which the student has completed a minimum of 8.0 full or equivalent course attempts. If a student has completed more than 8.0 full or equivalent courses at the time of adjudication, marks from all courses taken will be used to calculate the cumulative average. This minimum cumulative average must be maintained for each successive adjudication period until the student graduates*. Students who satisfy this requirement will be eligible to continue study In Good Standing. Students with a cumulative average from 55-59% will continue On Probation. Students with a cumulative average less than 55% will be Required to Withdraw.
Academic Standing Status |
Progression Requirement |
Required Cumulative Averages* |
In Good Standing |
Level 1 |
> or = 55% |
On Probation |
Level 1 |
50 - 54% |
Required to Withdraw |
Level 1 |
<50% |
In Good Standing |
Level 2 |
> or = 60% |
On Probation |
Level 2 |
55 - 59% |
Required to Withdraw |
Level 2 |
<55% |
Maximum number of failures allowed is 6.0 courses. * Note: averages required for graduation may differ. Averages required on an overall program and Area of Concentration will not be less than 60%, and will be higher for some three-year and four-year programs and all honors programs. Students registered in a Fall/Winter Session, who have applied to register for courses in subsequent Intersession or Summer Evening Session but whose ineligibility for further registration has not yet been determined by the first day of classes, will be permitted to complete any such course(s). Although credit will be retained for courses completed successfully, such credit will not alter ineligibility for further registration. Any such student, required to withdraw for failure to achieve the minimum progression requirements, will not become eligible for further registration before the Summer Day Session in the subsequent year.