4.0 courses: Philosophy 201F/G, one of Philosophy 235F/G or 236F/G, and 3.0 more senior courses in Philosophy, at least 2.0 of which are in the areas of Ethics, Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, or Philosophy of Law. Eligible courses include: Philosophy 140, 142E, 151F/G, 152E, 153F/G, 162F/G, 231F/G, 235F/G, 236F/G, 241F/G, 242F/G, 254F/G, 255F/G, 279F/G, 282E, 283F/G. Students who have consulted with the Department may be permitted, where appropriate, to include courses other than those listed. NOTE: With the permission of the Department, the Minor in Ethics may be combined with other programs in Philosophy, but not with the Certificate in Ethics.