Successful completion of the program below will qualify students for an honors BA degree. A program of studies that includes at least twelve honors courses (200-499) offered by the Faculty of Science will qualify a student for the honors BSc degree.
Admission Requirements
Transition Program
For students who entered one of these programs before September 2003.
Second, Third, and Fourth Years
The following must be completed by the end of fourth year: Mathematics 202a or Linear Algebra 040a/b, plus Mathematics 200a/b or the former Mathematics 203b; Calculus 250a/b plus 251a/b; Mathematics 208a/b, 207a/b, 302a, Mathematics 308a/b, Mathematics 304a/b, either Mathematics 305a/b or Differential Equations 215a, Mathematics 217a/b or the former Mathematics 306a/b, Mathematics 307a/b, 402a/b, 403a/b, 404a, 406a/b, plus two other courses in Mathematics numbered 300 or above.
Each of the above will be considered as a principal course in the year in which it is taken. At least three courses from the above list must be taken each year. Effective 1999-2000, students registered in Second Year Honors Mathematics who have taken Linear Algebra 040a/b in place of Mathematics 202a must include Differential Equations 215a in their course selections in Second Year, to bring their principal course total to three courses. These students are then required to take sufficient courses numbered 300 and above in Third and Fourth Years to bring their principal course total to seven courses in those two years.
Subsidiary Courses
Sufficient other courses to bring the total number of courses taken in each year up to five courses.
Program Effective September 2003
Admission Requirements
Second Year
Principal Courses
Subsidiary Courses
Sufficient courses to bring the total to 5.0 courses.
Third Year
Principal Courses
Subsidiary Courses
Sufficient courses to bring the total to 5.0 courses.
Fourth Year
Principal Courses
Mathematics 403a, 404a, and 406b; 0.5 course chosen from Mathematics 411b, 414b, or 419b; 2.0 other Mathematics courses numbered 300 or above*
Subsidiary Course
* Note: If more than 2.5 Mathematics courses numbered 300 or above were taken in year three, the extras may be deducted from this group. 6.5 Mathematics courses numbered 300 or above are required for this program. Each of the above courses will be considered as a principal course in the year it is taken. At least 3.0 principal courses must be taken in each year.