Note: Courses required for the CHRP designation are underlined.
First Year
Note: Economics 020 is required for students taking advanced level Economics courses in Third or Fourth Year.
Second Year
Third Year
Two full-courses or equivalent from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 155a/b, 275a/b, 310a/b, 320a/b; Economics 150a/b, 152a/b, 155a/b, 156a/b; History 143F/G, 144F/G, 146F/G; Philosophy 140 One full course or equivalent from: Psychology 150, 154a/b, 155a/b, 170; Sociology 233 One full-course or equivalent option from: Philosophy 142E, 162F/G, 201F/G, 203E; Religious Studies 132, 165F/G, 167F/G One full-course equivalent option or Administrative and Commercial Studies 240a/b and Administrative and Commercial Studies 342a/b
Fourth Year
Administrative and Commercial Studies 280F/G and Sociology 350F/G or Administrative and Commercial Studies 382E Administrative and Commercial Studies 330a/b and 410b One full-course or equivalent from Administrative and Commercial Studies 355F/G, 356F/G, 372; Political Science 211E, 246E; Sociology 308F/G, 309F/G, 314F/G, 315F/G, 316F/G One designated essay full-course or equivalent numbered 200 or above or Administrative and Commercial Studies 344F/G and 352F/G One full-course or equivalent option