Academic Calendar 2007 (old) » AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Finance and Administration
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Area of Concentration: Finance and Administration

First Year

One full-course or equivalent from: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b,081a/b; Linear Algebra 040a/b; Mathematics 028a/b, 030, 031

Administrative and Commercial Studies 020a/b, 033a/b (or, with department approval), one half-course in Computer Science numbered 020-099

One designated essay full-course equivalent numbered 020E-099E from English, French, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies or Sociology.

Second Year

Economics 150a/b and 152a/b (permission will be given to students who are registered in Honors Economics and wish to transfer to the BACS program to count their equivalent Economics courses)

Statistical Sciences 135 or Economics 122a/b and 123a/b (permission will be given to students who are registered in Honors Economics and wish to transfer to the BACS program to count their equivalent Economics courses)

One full-course from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 180 or Psychology 164 or Sociology 169

One full-course or equivalent option *

Third Year

Administrative and Commercial Studies 372 or 360a/b and 361a/b (360a/b / 361a/b are prerequisites for Administrative and Commercial Studies 460a/b / 461a/b)

Administrative and Commercial Studies 310a/b and 320a/b

One full course or equivalent from: Actuarial Science 153; Economics 154a/b, 156a/b, 159a/b, 165F/G, 180a, 184a/b

One full course or equivalent from: Philosophy 142E, 203E, 162F/G, 201F/G; Religious Studies 165F/G, 167F/G

One full-course or equivalent option *

Fourth Year

Administrative and Commercial Studies 330a/b and 410b

Two full-courses or equivalent from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 275a/b, 325a/b, 372 (must be completed if not taken in Third Year), Administrative and Commercial Studies 460a/b, 461a/b; Economics 162a/b, 163a/b, 164a/b; Geography 372a/b; History 143F/G, 144F/G; Political Science 211E, 246E; Sociology 309F/G

One designated essay full-course equivalent numbered 200 or above

One full-course equivalent option *

Note: Students are encouraged to consult with the Academic Counselor about selecting options from prepared lists of courses that will allow for specialization in various theme areas (e.g. international relations, regional studies, business-government relations, etc...).

* No more than seven courses numbered 001-099 may be included in the program

Academic Calendar 2007 (old) » AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Finance and Administration