Courses normally may not be added and dropped after the specified deadline dates. In exceptional cases and on presentation of evidence of medical or compassionate grounds or other extenuating circumstances, the Dean (or designate) of the faculty of registration may grant a petition to waive the regulation. The Office of the Registrar, in consultation with the academic community and appropriate administrative offices, will determine all applicable sessional dates which will be maintained on the Registrar's Office Website in the Academic Calendar. Once classes begin, a course may be added or dropped only with the joint approval of the Dean (or designate) of the Faculty in which the student is registered and the Chair (or designate) of the Department concerned. A course that has been dropped by the last date specified for adding a course shall be expunged from the records. A course that has been dropped after the last date specified for adding a course but before the last date for dropping a course without academic penalty (or subsequently, if a petition is granted by the Dean) shall be recorded as "WDN". A course that has not been dropped in accordance with the above regulations and that has not been completed satisfactorily by the student shall be recorded as "F".