The University maintains a record of a student's academic progress throughout his or her career at Western. This record provides information for academic counselling purposes and serves as the basis for producing grade reports and student transcripts. The following is a description of the kinds of information held by the University and the information that is provided on grade reports and transcripts.
Academic Files
The Registrar's Office keeps an electronic file of all information relating to a student's academic progress. This includes a student's: - basis of admission
- address
- some biographic information (e.g., date of birth) that is collected and reported for Statistics Canada
- for students admitted directly from secondary school, the record of the OAC courses, as well as marks submitted in support of their application for admission
- registration history and status
- courses attempted and grades achieved
- Special Permissions granted
- all information relating to Advanced Standing and courses taken on Letters of Permission
- information on seals on academic records because of non-payment of fees, library fines, etc.
The academic file is a confidential internal document that is available only to individuals authorized to view the files. These include members of the Registrar's Office, Academic Counselling Offices and Dean's Offices, Department Chairs, Undergraduate Coordinators, and counselling assistants. There are other electronic files/databases on students, including: - scholarship/bursary data
- fee payment information
- the Alumni database which includes information on degrees attained as well as the address of parents
In addition to these electronic records, the Academic Counselling Office of a student's Faculty may keep a file containing written documents relating to a student's academic progress. These may include: - Special Permission forms
- Special Examination Forms
- medical documents
- correspondence
- notes of interviews that students have had with Academic Counsellors
These files are also confidential internal documents that are available only to the student's Dean and Academic Counselling Office. A student who has been found guilty of a scholastic offence may also have an offence record that is kept separate from the academic file (see section on Scholastic Offences, p. 27).
Grade Reports
Students are able to access their grades at the end of each academic term on-line at . Students are responsible for checking and verifying all of the following: courses attempted; the grades achieved; comments concerning a student's eligibility for a requested program; progression and graduation eligibility; and averages where appropriate; for each academic session. This information is confidential and may only be accessed using a secure Personal Identification Number.
Academic Transcripts
A transcript is a copy of a student's permanent academic record at this University, duly certified by the Registrar and bearing the embossed seal of the University. A transcript is privileged information and is available only upon the written request and payment of the fee in effect at the time by the student . A transcript is required as one of the supporting documents for application to another university, graduate school, fellowship and scholarship applications, and is commonly required by prospective employers. The transcript is a record of a student's academic progress. It contains the following information: - A listing of all courses attempted and the grades achieved, including courses from which a student has withdrawn without academic penalty.
- A statement of the degree attained, including the area of concentration or Honors discipline and date of graduation.
- Comments relating to a student's academic progress. These may include statements about a student's standing in a program (e.g. on Dean's Honor List), or that the student was required to withdraw from the University or was placed on academic probation (e.g. for failing to meet progression requirements).
- A listing of all scholarships, awards, prizes, fellowships and medals awarded by the University to the student during the student's academic career at the University from May 1, 2000.
Note that a transcript reflects the current status of a student's record at the time it is issued. Students should ensure that any changes to the transcript (e.g. from an INC to a final grade) are recorded before ordering a transcript. Students who have pursued more than one program at Western may submit a written request for a partial transcript restricted to marks and grades leading to a specific undergraduate degree in Business, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Nursing, or leading to any graduate degree. Such transcripts shall be identified as partial. Transcript order forms are available from Information Services, Registrar's Office, Stevenson-Lawson 190 * and on-line at Official transcripts are mailed by the Registrar's Office to institutions designated by the student. Each transcript costs $8.00. Same-day transcripts are available at a cost of $10.00 each. * All transcript transactions in Room 190 require valid identification.