A special examination is any examination other than the regular or supplemental examinations, which may be offered only with the consent of the Department concerned and with permission of the Dean of the Faculty in which the student is registered. Permission to write a Special Examination may be given on the basis of compassionate or medical grounds with appropriate supporting documents, or on the basis of religious grounds for which sufficient notice in writing has been submitted. (See RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS.) Special examinations are normally written at the University or an Affiliated College no later than one month after the end of the examination period involved. A handling fee will be charged for examinations to be written off campus and is due and payable to the Registrar's Office within two weeks of the approval of the Special Examination. The student's Dean will ensure that candidates are aware of this requirement. (The fee for this examination is detailed in the STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES section.)
Supplemental examination privileges are offered only in the Preliminary Year program at Brescia University College, or in undergraduate courses offered by the faculties of Education, Engineering, Law, and Medicine & Dentistry. Eligibility for a supplemental examination will be made in accordance with policies established by the appropriate Faculty. (Also see the STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES section.)