4.0 courses: Music 049a/b, 050a/b, 030F/G, and one of Music 031F/G, 165a/b, 166a/b, 167a/b, 230F/G, 231F/G, 265a/b, 266a/b, 267a/b; one full Music course or equivalent elective, and one full Music course or equivalent numbered 200 or higher. Eligible courses include: Music 029a/b, 030F/G, 031F/G, 032a/b/y, 040, 049a/b, 050a/b, 070a/b. Music 120a/b, 165a/b, 166a/b, 167a/b, 195a/b, 218y, 220a/b, 229, 230F/G, 231F/G, 249a/b, 250a/b, 264, 265a/b, 266a/b, 267a/b, 283a, 284b, 349a/b, 350a/b, 395. Students who have consulted with the Faculty may be permitted, where appropriate, to include courses other than those listed.