The BA in Honors Religious Studies (Catholic Studies), in accordance with the religious identity of the College, provides a substantive treatment of the Roman Catholic Tradition and the necessary competence in the content to be taught in Religious Education classes in the Catholic School System. This program also meets the Religious Studies admission requirements of the UWO Faculty of Education for the use of Religion as a teachable subject. Students should consult with the Department during the program counseling period in February regarding the selection of courses.
Admission Requirements
A 020-level Religious Studies course with a mark of 60% and two other courses, which will also be counted as principal courses. The principal courses must all be above 60% and average 70%. All other courses taken must have a passing mark.
After the first year a total of at least nine Religious Studies Honors courses (200-level or higher) is required. Any Honors Religious Studies courses taken will be regarded as principal courses.
Second Year
Third and Fourth Years
At least one half-course must be taken at the 400-level.