Every student is issued a UWO personal computer account which will be used for: - E-mail. All official mail is sent to this account from Office of the Registrar, Libraries, instructors.
- Access to Western Library Resources
- Access to course information on the web, eg. Web-ct, Instruct
- Access to the campus network from the residences or from off campus
The username associated with your UWO PCA is used as a common login name to access most computing resources. For example, the Registrar's MyUWO, and General Student Computing Labs.
In order to activate your e-mail account you will need your student number and PIN. Go to http://www.uwo.ca/its/ and select "Computer Accounts", select the topic "Student Account" and select "Click here". Select "Activate my Student Account". Enter your UWO Student Number and PIN and select "Submit". Once you have read the University's Acceptable Use Agreement and select "Accept" your account information is displayed and your UWO account is activated within an hour. At this time your UWO e-mail password is pushed out to other computing resources. Refer to www.uwo.ca/its/accounting/PasswordSynchronization.html for additional information.
Your UWO e-mail address is published on the web in the Student section of the Western Directory. If you do not wish your e-mail address to be published you must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar, 190 Stevenson-Lawson Building. Requests may also be submitted by e-mail to reguwo@uwo.ca. Include your full name, student identification number, and personal identification number (PIN).
For more information go to the web site: security.uwo.ca/antivirus - Microsoft Security Update
For more information go to the web site: www.mirosoft.com/technet/mpsa/start.asp - Always Use Strong Passwords
For more information go to the web site: security.uwo.ca/mainpass.html - Back Up Early and Often
- Theft: Never leave your laptop or PDA unattended
- Vulnerability: Use Firewalls and disable File and Print sharing Options on your computer
- Chat Rooms: Never give out personal information