Approved Combinations: Classical Studies, Economics, English, Film Studies, French, German, Greek, History, Latin, Linguistics, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Russian, Sociology, Spanish, Visual Arts, Comparative Literature and Culture (formerly Comparative Literature and Civilization), or Women's Studies. See the COMBINED HONORS PROGRAMS section for details. See LINGUISTICS or COMBINED HONORS PROGRAMS IN LINGUISTICS in the INTER-FACULTY PROGRAMS section. There is also a program in Honors Geography with Anthropology options. Consult departments for details.
First Year
Second, Third and Fourth Years
Note: Students whose primary interest is in Linguistics should see the Combined Honors Programs in Linguistics in the Inter-Faculty Section. Students interested in Biological Anthropology should take Anthropology 226a/b, 334F/G, 336F/G and 338a/b. Students interested in Archaeology should take Anthropology 229F/G, 232F/G, 233F/G and 307a.