Second Year
Chemistry 210a/b, 271a, 273a, 274a, 281G, 283G, 284b, or the former Chemistry 226a/b, 251, 253, 254 Statistical Sciences 222a/b or another half-course from Group D The former Earth Sciences 020, or any two of Earth Sciences 081a/b, 083F/G, 281b, or the former Earth Sciences 082a/b, 085a/b
Third Year
Chemistry 272F and 372F/G, or the former Chemistry 322 Environmental Science 300F/G Two half-courses from: Chemistry 300F/G, 371F, 373F, 374a/b, plus One half-course from: Chemistry 320a/b, 330F/G, 370a/b, 391a/b, 393a/b; Or three half-courses from the former Chemistry 321b, 323a, 324a, 358b, 378b. One full-course equivalent from Group B One Group E course, or, if Geography 020E was taken in first year, then sufficient courses to replace half or all of this requirement from: Environmental Science 350F/G, Group C, Group D The Area of Concentration will consist of all senior courses.