The Faculty of Arts offers four-year programs leading to an Honors BA degree. Honors programs in a single subject are designed for students with a special interest in that subject, and provide them with the opportunity to concentrate their work in a particular field. Each program introduces students to the subject as a whole, and gives them some degree of mastery of it. A minimum of 15.0 courses (including both principal courses and options) is required in the three senior years. The structure of each honors program is established by the Department concerned. Since there is often choice among the principal courses and because, in general, options are chosen by the student (in consultation with the Department), honors programs are flexible enough to permit a variety of patterns within the regulations outlined above. Combined honors programs provide students with the opportunity to do concentrated work in two subjects. These programs are more than the combination of two halves of a single honors program but less than the combination of two single honors programs. Consequently, combined honors programs do not in all cases qualify a student for direct admission to graduate work in either principal subject without further course work at the undergraduate Honors level. Students are urged to seek information from the department(s) concerned, or from the Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar of the university at which they propose to do graduate work.