Students enter fourth year of this program after completing all requirements of the three-year BSc in Biology with an overall average of 60%, and an average of 60% in the 5.0 Biology courses in the area of concentration. It is strongly recommended that students complete one of Biology 284a or 285b prior to entry. If they have not done so, they must meet this requirement prior to graduation from the fourth year.
A total of 5.0 courses
A minimum of 4.0 courses, including 1.0 with a laboratory, as follows: At least 3.0 courses at the 300-level or above selected from the Department of Biology. At least 1.0 course at the 300-level or above, selected from the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Medical Biophysics, Microbiology and Immunology, Physiology and Pharmacology (except Anatomy and Cell Biology 329b, and Biochemistry 385a or 386b).
Up to 1.0 Biology courses at the 200-level may be included in the fourth year program, provided at least 3.0 300-level Biology or Medical Sciences courses have been completed by the end of third year (see above for exceptions).
Up to 1.0 senior-level (100 and above) option, from any Faculty, to attain a total of 5.0 courses. Students who have not completed one of Biology 284a or 285b by the end of third year, and who have fewer than 3.0 300-level Biology or Medical Sciences courses, must complete this requirement using 0.5 of this senior level option.
The area of concentration will consist of the 5.0 courses which made up the area of concentration for the three-year BSc Biology, plus the 4.0 courses from the Departments listed above, for a total of 9.0 courses (or 9.5 courses if one of Biology 284a or 285b is taken in the fourth year).