Academic Calendar 2004 (old) » FACULTIES» FACULTY OF ARTS » UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES IN ARTS» FOUR-YEAR GENERAL PROGRAMS» Four-Year Bachelor of Arts General Diploma
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Four-Year Bachelor of Arts General Diploma

The Four-Year Bachelor of Arts General Diploma is a means of granting appropriate recognition to those students who successfully complete the requirements for a four-year general degree after graduation from a three-year program. The awarding of this diploma permits Western to grant this recognition without conferring a second baccalaureate degree.

Students who have been awarded a 3-year BA or BSc degree by this or by another accredited university may be eligible to pursue a Bachelor of Arts General Diploma.

Applicants apply for admission as Special Students and must contact the Department(s) concerned after required documentation has been received. Applications will generally be accepted provided that requirements equivalent to those for graduation with a 3-year degree from Western have been met.

In evaluating an application for admission, the Department reviews all previous course work completed by the candidate and, on that basis, determines and prescribes the course work to be completed. The work required will not be fewer than 5.0 senior courses of which at least 4.0 must be from among those designated as principal courses of each major area in the program.

5.0 full or equivalent courses must be taken at The University of Western Ontario, not including courses taken to satisfy the graduation requirements for the earlier degree.

Graduation requirements are the same as for a four-year general program.

Academic Calendar 2004 (old) » FACULTIES» FACULTY OF ARTS » UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES IN ARTS» FOUR-YEAR GENERAL PROGRAMS» Four-Year Bachelor of Arts General Diploma