The Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies program, which includes three areas of concentration, provides students with a 4-year general program, combining commerce and administration courses with a broad background in social science. Careful selection of courses will permit transfer to other 3-year or 4-year programs whose requirements have been fulfilled. Students registered in the BACS program are eligible to complete one additional non-BACS area of concentration within the 20-course BACS degree requirements.
Note: As of September 1999, students registered in either second or third year of the BA (Administrative and Commercial Studies) program will have the option of either completing the BA (ACS) program, or transferring into the Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies (BACS) program. Students choosing to remain in the BA (Administrative and Commercial Studies) program as of September 1998, will have until September 2008 to complete the program requirements necessary for graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (Administrative and Commercial Studies). Those wishing to transfer to the BACS program must consult with the BACS office to receive the prerequisite counseling and permissions.