Academic Calendar 2004 (old) » AFFILIATED COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Organizational and Human Resources
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Area of Concentration: Organizational and Human Resources

Note: Courses required for the CHRP designation are underlined.

First Year

Psychology 020
Sociology 020 or 021E
One full-course or equivalent from: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b; Linear Algebra 040a/b; Mathematics 028a/b, 030, 031
Business 020 or Economics 020
Administrative and Commercial Studies 020a/b and 033a/b (or, with department approval), one half-course in Computer Science numbered 020-099

Note: Economics 020 is required for students taking advanced level Economics courses in Third or Fourth Year.

Second Year

Business 257
One full course from: Mathematics 028a/b (if not taken in first year) and Statistical Sciences 024b; Statistical Sciences 023a/b and 024a/b or Statistical Sciences 135 or Sociology 231 or Social Work 205
One full-course from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 180, Psychology 164, Sociology 169
One designated essay full-course or equivalent from English, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies or Sociology.
One full-course or equivalent option

Third Year
Fourth Year
Academic Calendar 2004 (old) » AFFILIATED COLLEGES » KING'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE » ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES » Area of Concentration: Organizational and Human Resources