5.0 first-year courses:
14.0 senior courses:
1.0 course normally taken in second year: Business 257 1.0 course normally taken in second year from: Economics 150a/b or 260a/b, and 152a/b or 220a/b 1.0 course normally taken in second year from: Political Science 131, 231E 1.0 course normally taken in second year from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 180, Psychology 164, Sociology 169 1.0 course normally taken in second year from: Economics 122a/b or 222a/b, and 123a/b or 223a/b, or Statistical Sciences 135 2.5 courses normally taken in third year: Administrative and Commercial Studies 220F/G, 330a/b, 325a/b, 372 1.0 course normally taken in third year from: Economics 151a/b or 261a/b, and 153a/b or 221a/b 1.0 course normally taken in third year from: Economics 162a/b, 163a/b, 164a/b 1.0 course normally taken in fourth year: Administrative and Commercial Studies 404a/b, 410b 1.0 course normally taken in fourth year from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 275a/b, 276a/b, 310a/b, 312a/b, 320a/b 0.5 course normally taken in fourth year from: Economics 154a/b, 165F/G 1.0 course normally taken in fourth year from: Political Science 211E, 235E, 239E, 240E, 241E, 243E, 248E, Sociology 221a/b, 353F/G, 354F/G, International and Comparative Studies 201F/G, 202F/G 1.0 course from: Anthropology 120F/G, 211F/G, 212F/G, 213F/G, Geography 130a/b, 146E, 155a/b, 171a/b, International and Comparative Studies 100G, 130F, 154G, 211G, 250F, Religious Studies 110, Sociology 101F/G, 103F/G, 104F/G, 232E, 309F/G, 343F/G.