To progress from first to second year in Kinesiology students must successfully complete the five first-year level courses [which include Kinesiology 080a/b, Kinesiology 088a/b and Physiology 021 or equivalent] and obtain a minimum overall average of 70%, with no grade lower than 60%. When the number of applicants exceeds the number of availabe spaces, progression with Kinesiology will be more competitive. Students wishing to transfer to Kinesiology modules from other departments, faculties, or universities should consult with the Academic Counsellor in the School of Kinesiology for details. Tranfer students must ultimately complete Kinesiology 080a/b, Kinesiology 088a/b, and Physiology 021 or equivalent. The laboratory or practicum sessions of several courses are very vigorous. It is recommended that students have a medical check-up to ensure that their health status permits engagement in vigorous activity. Students with health problems must inform the Undergraduate Program Office, and provide appropriate medical support documentation.