Kinesiology physical activity Skills and Coaching courses refer to Kinesiology quarter-courses 202-219q/r/s/t, 302-318q/r/s/t. Each of Kinesiology 202q/r/s/t-219q/r/s/t, 302q/r/s/t-318q/r/s/t is a quarter-course, 5 lecture/lab hours per week for a 6-week term. The 6-week term is designated with the suffix q, r, s, or t. A maximum of four Physical Activity quarter-courses (or equivalent) must be selected in each of second and third year. One quarter course per 6-week term, may be taken during any academic year. No more than twelve activity quarter courses are allowed in any Kinesiology degree. Prior to graduation, a student must complete a minimum of eight quarter-courses (or equivalent) in all Kinesiology degree programs, unless designated otherwise. A student must complete one Kinesiology quarter-course as follows: - one aquatic activity (Kinesiology 215q/r/s/t)
- one racquet activity course (any one of Kinesiology 214q/r/s/t, 216q/r/s/t)
- one individual-based activity (any one of Kinesiology 203q/r/s/t, 204q/r/s/t, 206q/r/s/t, 209q/r/s/t, 211q/r/s/t, 212q/r/s/t, 214q/r/s/t, 217q/r/s/t, 219q/r/s/t)
- one team-based activity (any one of Kinesiology 202q/r/s/t, 205q/r/s/t, 207q/r/s/t, 208q/r/s/t, 210q/r/s/t, 213q/r/s/t, 218q/r/s/t).
Some of these activity courses may require additional expense by the student.