Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from Italian 030, 030w/x, 250 or 250w/x (or the former Italian 002, 002w/x, 020 or 020w/x), with a mark of at least 60%.
4.0 courses from: Classical Studies 141E, 251E; Comparative Literature and Culture 240F/G, 250F/G, 333F/G, 334F/G, 335F/G; History 240E; Italian 250 or 250w/x, 300; CLC/Italian 100; Italian Studies 136; Music 311a/b, 336a/b; Visual Arts History 249E, 258E, 349F/G. [If Italian 250 or 250w/x was not taken in first year, it must be completed as part of the module.]
With permission of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Special Topics courses on Italian literature, cinema, culture, or history may also be counted toward the module.