Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%, including: Students are advised to consult with an academic counsellor prior to selecting their first-year courses to ensure that the appropriate prerequisite courses have been selected to allow registration in courses at the 200 level or above.
6.5 courses: Health Sciences 201, 202F/G, 203a/b, 204F/G, 205a/b, 207a/b, 303a/b, 305a/b, 306a/b, 401, 411F/G. 2.5 courses at the 300 level or above in Health Sciences or at the 400 level in Communication Sciences and Disorders. (A maximum of 1.0 course may be substituted from: 200-level Health Sciences courses, Chemistry 213a/b, Biochemistry 280a, Biology 281b, 282b, Psychology 140, 152a/b, 155a/b, Epidemiology and Biostatistics 330b, Anthropology 211F/G, 212F/G, 214F/G, 215F/G, 216F/G, 219F/G, 290F/G, Physiology 130, 310, Sociology 179a/b, 246a/b, 247a/b, Economics 169F/G, Women's Studies 154)