Admission Requirements
Normally, students will apply for the concurrent degree program during their second year in the BHSc program. To be eligible for admission consideration for the concurrent program, students must complete all requirements for the first two years of the BHSc program, obtain a minimum two-year (ten credit) average of 80%, and achieve a minimum 70% grade in Business Administration 257. Demonstrated participation in extra curricular and/or community activities, leadership, and work experience are also admission criteria. Applications must be made in writing to the BHSc Program Chair and the HBA program by the published deadlines for the Ivey Business School. Entrance to the program is competitive and limited. Students applying to the Richard Ivey School of Business Academic Excellence Program (AEP) are also eligible to be considered for the concurrent program, as are students who have completed the first two years of the BHSc program and the first year of the HBA program.
Program Requirements
Students registered in the concurrent program are expected to abide by all guidelines associated with each of the individual programs.
Progression Standards
Students in the concurrent program must meet the progression standards of each Faculty or School, and stand in the top half of their class in the year and School/Program in which they are enrolled.
Failure to Meet Progression Standards
A student who fails to meet the progression standards in any year must withdraw from the concurrent program. With permission from the appropriate HBA Program Director and/or the BHSc Standing Committee Chair (depending upon the current year of registration), the student may continue in one program and request permission from the other Faculty or School to complete that program at a later date.
Dean's Honor List
Students in the concurrent program are considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty in which they are enrolled. For HBA, only grades obtained in 300 and 400 level courses taken at Ivey are used for determining the Dean's Honor List. This list is comprised of approximately the top 10% of each section in HBA 1 and the top 10% of all of HBA 2. It is determined by vote of the teaching faculty. Those who achieve Dean's Honors List over all courses taken at Ivey at the completion of the joint program will graduate as Ivey Scholars.
Graduation With Distinction
Students registered in the Honors BHSc/HBA program can obtain distinction in either or both of HBA 1 or HBA 2 by achieving an 80% average. This designation is independent of the Dean's Honors List and is based on the grades obtained in all courses recognized for credit by Ivey. This includes courses taken elsewhere at UWO during the Honors BHSc/HBA program and grades obtained on Exchange.
Exchange Programs
Students enrolled in the concurrent program may be eligible for HBA exchanges in Year Five. A student must satisfy both Program Directors/Chairs that his or her course load is appropriately balanced before permission will be given to participate in an exchange program.
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year